Visual Studio Code has an imprevise millons of active users ( It is a free software that helps a lot of professional and non professional to write code, either for programming or for simple porpuses as curiosity, it is free which means that anyone can download and test it from their own operating system such as Windows, macOS, Linux and Rasperry Pi OS. The good thing about this code editor is that it is always getting updated and supported by the own large community and fans al around the world, also it is open source which means anyone can add code to it so the possibilities are endless for every user.
Heller, M. (2022) What is visual studio code? Microsoft’s extensible code editor, InfoWorld. Available at: (Accessed: 30 May 2023).
Mandeep (2021) VS code extensions for faster coding, stackcodify. Available at: (Accessed: 30 May 2023).
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